What is Nixellar♾ ?
Nixellar is a portmanteau of “NIX+STELLAR”.
“Nixellar” is nothing but the ‘tokenized’ “NIX” on the “Stellar blockchain”.
About us:
We are an aspiring federation, server anchor and ghostnode operator, on the Stellar Network and the NIX platform, respectively.
Currently, we provide a ‘manual swap’, to and fro, between the Stellar Asset ‘NIX’ issued by “G…i”, also called Nixellar♾, and the ‘Native NIX’ of the NIX platform.
This means, you can change your “NIX” into a “Stellar Asset” and trade it effortlessly with thousands of other blockchain assets, including (but not limited to) Bitcoin, Tether, XRP, SLT, Gold, Platinum, Silver, Photons, HKD, USD, EUR, etc. in an ‘actual’ and ‘liquid’ world reknowned DEX (Decentalized EXchange).
The user always stays in exclusive control of their keys at all times.
How to:
Get in touch with our kind Team ⇣
Experience a new paradigm of the nixverse amid a stellar universe.
⇨ Send us your order today!
⇨ Automated Swaps will be provided soon as they too are in our development pipeline.
Anyone can support our project by virtue of utilising our services and asking more of their friends\patrons to do so. Additionally, if one likes to further support us, they may donate NIX, Nixellar or Stellar Lumens to us. This will enable us to supercharge our product development processes with funding. Please consider undertaking this endeavour.
Important topics:
What is Nixellar♾ ?
Other F.A.Q.s
Introduction to services available.
Guides and walkthrough(s):
Fees structures.
Trading & Exchanges.
Donate to us.
Nixellar♾ "Terms of Service".
Our non-intrusive user-friendly "Privacy Policy".
There is no copyright. We {++♥;} open-source!