Services available on Nixellar:
Nixellar♾ facilitates multiple services.
We have divided them into several 'Types' for the user's convenience.
Please read more about the 'Type of Service' you desire, to know more about it.
Namely, these options are:
- from: XLM
- to: Nixellar (Type A)
- to: NIX (Type B)
- from: Nixellar
- to: XLM (Type C)
- to: NIX (Type D)
- from: NIX
- to: Nixellar (Type E)
If user has a Stellar wallet:
- Route 1 (Type E)
If user doesn't have a Stellar wallet:
- Route 2 (Type E)
- Route 3 (Type E)
- to: XLM (Type F)
An introduction to all services Nixellar♾ offers.
Type A : [XLM] into [Nixellar]
Click here for a comprehensive "Type:A" guide.
Type B : [XLM] into [NIX]
Click here for a comprehensive "Type:B" guide.
Type C : [Nixellar] into [XLM]
Click here for a comprehensive "Type:C" guide.
Type D : [Nixellar] into [NIX]
Click here for a comprehensive "Type:D" guide.
Type E : [NIX] into [Nixellar]
A user who already posses a Stellar blockchain account can choose "Route 1".
- Click here for a comprehensive "Type:E Route:1" guide.
We recommend "Route 2" and "Route 3" for users without a Stellar account.
- Click here for a comprehensive "Type:E Route:2" guide.
- Click here for a comprehensive "Type:E Route:3" guide.
A user may choose either of the three proposed routes.
Click here for a comprehensive "Type:E" guide.
Type F : [NIX] into [XLM]
Click here for a comprehensive "Type:F" guide.
Creating a key-pair for NIX / XLM
Generating a NIX key-pair (Wallet/Address) securely:
- Using a Ghost-Node
- Inside QT-wallet
- Via NIX mobile wallet
- From the Flare Wallet
- Using NIX webwal
- Via a NIX Master-Node
- Using a hardware wallet (Trezor/Ledger)™
- and many other ways..
Generating a Stellar Lumens key-pair (Wallet/Address) securely:
- Using the Stellar Laboratory
- Via a DEX manager
- By using Lobstr™ wallet
- With a Horizon Node
- Utilizing keybase account
- Using a hardware wallet (Trezor/Ledger)™
- From a smartphone wallet App™
- and many other ways..
Important topics:
What is Nixellar♾ ?
Other F.A.Q.s
Introduction to services available.
Guides and walkthrough(s):
Fees structures.
Trading & Exchanges.
Donate to us.
Nixellar♾ "Terms of Service".
Our non-intrusive user-friendly "Privacy Policy".
There is no copyright. We {++♥;} open-source!