Nixellar♾ ?
Trading and Exchanges
About using the Stellar Decentralized Exchanges (SDEX):
The Stellar Decentralized Exchanges (SDEX) enables every Nixellar♾ holders to trade in a colossal DEX.
This means, you can change your “NIX” into a “Stellar Asset” and trade it effortlessly with thousands of other blockchain assets, including (but not limited to) Bitcoin, Tether, XRP, SLT, Gold, Platinum, Silver, Photons, HKD, USD, EUR, etc. in an ‘actual’, 'factual', 'hyperactive' and ‘liquid’ world reknowned DEX (Decentalized EXchange).
The user always stays in exclusive control of their keys at all points of time.
Supported exchanges:
Following are a few among the most popular Exchanges from the SDEX family:
(Please tap on any exchange (DEX) below to know more about the trading pairs)
‣‣‣ Interstellar - Interstellar.Exchange
‣‣‣ Stellar X -
Important topics:
What is Nixellar♾ ?
Other F.A.Q.s
Introduction to services available.
Guides and walkthrough(s):
Fees structures.
Trading & Exchanges.
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